If Marilyn couldn't teleport she wouldn't use it on herself. She would probably use her power to bring her a man that she dreamed of. There's her ex that went off to college, they're still on good terms, but she wishes he was back there to fuck her again. There's all kinds of movie stars, and there's even a few men in town that she's been eyeing up since she became single again. As she lays there thinking about all the cock she could just bring to herself she remembers she has her own plastic one.
There is no better way to start off a week than with your favorite weekly updating site Assparade.com. Starring in today's feature are Rose & first timer to Bangbros Ms. Luna Star. These two babes are blowin up the porn scene all over the business with Rose FAT ass and Luna Star Natural perky tit's and juicy ass. Were all pretty sure this video is gonna blow your fucking minds. Lot's fucking, a ton of sucking and of course a bunch of hardcore pounding. It's a MUST SEE movie. Enjoy it!
Wow! We have a sexy fine ass MILF on today's new update of Milf-Soup! Lisa Ann gentleman's and don't forget the name cause I guarantee she will be back for some more.. This babe is a sex freak that will fuck all day every day if she could. Today is her lucky day cause this dude Chris will provide her with some hardcore fucking. This babe does it all, she pleasures herself, suck some hardcore dick, and gets pounded in every position possible that you can think off. This movie is a must see over and over again, guarantee that you will stroke your cocks multiple times. Enjoy!
it's fuck time as Vivian, famous for sucking pussy entombed dick gets hold of Nicholas' hard stud's dick and he's all ready for it. He has a fetish for nylon pantyhose and her tight nylon pantyhose pussy is where he's headed. As soon as she snuggles up to him he popped a stiffy and he dove right into that tight nylon pantyhose babe poontang.