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Angela Aames,Angelique Pettyjohn,Anne Gaybis,Raven De La Croix in The Lost Empire (1985)
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After officer Rob Wolfe is killed trying to stop a gang of ninjas from robbing a jewelery store, his sister, officer Angel Wolfe, vows to avenge his death. Her investigation leads her to the mysterious Dr. Sin Do, who is supposedly in league with an undead wizard named Lee Chuck. The doctor is holding a martial arts tournament on a secret island fortress, so Angel, after rounding up some of her martial-artist friends, enters the tournament in the hopes of finding Sin Do and Lee Chuck and bringing them to justice.
Helping Her Boyfriend - NaughtyMag
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Nikki is so nice. Sure, she's hot and her 21-year-old body is lithe and fuckable, but she's so devoted to her boyfriend, you've got to respect that the most. For instance, her guy is thinking about becoming a videographer, so she strips on-camera to help him practice his shots. What a girl. She doesn't hold anything back, stripping off her shirt, bra, panties and fingering her juicy wet pussy until the sounds of her gushing slit are drowning out the microphone. He's going to need more practice if he wants a career behind the camera. She, on the other hand, is perfect and doesn't need any more practice at what she does.
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